Vocal Lesson Book 1: Learn to Sing (Easy Beginner)
The Beginner Vocal Lesson Book: Learn to Sing (Level 1):
Sheet Music reduced price on Lessonface (click to view)!
If you are a choir teacher, feel free to make copies for your students!
Music theory, sight singing, vocal exercises, and harmony exercises
Part 1: Learning notes, Music Theory, and Sight Singing
Lesson 1: Beginner music theory
Lesson 2: Learn C, D, E, F, and G (do, re, mi, fa, sol)
Lesson 3: Sing by step
Lesson 4: Sing by skip
Lesson 5: Solfege "Mary Had a Little Lamb"
Lesson 6: Solfege "Jingle Bells"
Lesson 7: Singing Scales
Lesson 8: Sing by Intervals
Lesson 9: Sing by Chords
Lesson 10: Sing with Scales
Part 2: Vocal Exercises
Part 3: Harmony Exercises
Part 4: A Place for Notes
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