Major 7th chords are quite dissonant, and are terrific for creating tension. However, adding the 9th to the chords adds a bit of sweetness! Also, the major 7th and 6th chords go quite nicely together!
In order to create a major 7th chord, you take a major chord and add the major 7th. The 7th will be a whole step from the top root note. So, for example, to create C major 7 (CM7), you could create the major chord (C-E-G), and then add the major 7th (B). Consequently, CM7 is (C-E-G-B). Below includes major 7th chords!
Major 7th Chords:
Cmaj7: C E G B
C# maj7 or Dbmaj7: C# E# G# B#
Dmaj7: D F# A C#
Eb maj7 or D#maj7: Eb G Bb D
E maj7: E G# B D#
F maj7: F A C E
F#maj7 or Gbmaj7: F# A# C# E#
Gmaj7: G B D F#
Abmaj7or G#maj7: Ab C Eb G
A maj7: A C# E G#
Bbmaj7 or A#maj7: Bb D F A
Sheet music for the major 7th chords, can be found: (learning jazz chords) and!
